=====MQTT-Wasserzähler===== >D p:m1=0 p:g1=0 p:g2=0 p:month1=0 p:month2=0 p:month3=0 p:gesamt=0 c1=0 s1=0 h1=0 hgp=0 g1gp=0 g2gp=0 m1gp=0 m2gp=0 m3gp=0 gsgp=0 hr=0 dy=0 wp=1.81 wtotal=0 >B =>sensor53 l255 >S h1=s1-m1 hgp=(h1*wp) g1gp=(g1*wp) g2gp=(g2*wp) m1gp=(month1*wp) m2gp=(month2*wp) m3gp=(month3*wp) gsgp=(gesamt*wp) hr=hours dy=day if chg[hr]>0 and hr==0 then m1=s1 g2=g1 g1=h1 month1=month1+h1 gesamt=gesamt+h1 if chg[dy]<2 and dy==1 then month3=month2 month2=month1 month1=0 endif svars endif if upsecs%tper==0{ =>Publish tasmota/%topic%/main/td_m3 %2h1% =>Publish tele/%topic%/main/yd_m3 %2g1% =>Publish tele/%topic%/main/dbyd_m3 %2g2% =>Publish tele/%topic%/main/value %2s1% =>Publish tele/%topic%/main/wtotal %2wtotal% =>Publish tele/%topic%/json {"wtotal": "%2wtotal%", "value": "%2s1%", "today_m3": "%2h1%", "yesterday_m3": "%2g1%", "db_yesterday_m3": "%2g2%"} } >T s1=Counter#C1/100 c1=Counter#C1 wtotal=(c1/100) >W Zählerstand: {m} %wtotal% m³ ============ Wasserpreis: {m} %wp% €/m³ ============ Verbrauch: --------------------- Heute: {m} %2h1% m³ Kosten: {m} %2hgp% € --------------------- Gestern: {m} %2g1% m³ Kosten: {m} %2g1gp% € --------------------- Vorgestern: {m} %2g2% m³ Kosten: {m} %2g2gp% € --------------------- Aktueller Monat: {m} %2month1% m³ | %2m1gp% € Letzter Monat: {m} %2month2% m³ | %2m2gp% € Vorletzter Monat: {m} %2month3% m³ | %2m3gp% € Gesamt: {m} %2gesamt% m³ | %2gsgp% € #